We strive to make Organizational Health a reality. We discuss, study, disseminate and implement this emerging concept in the real world situations of private corporations and public organizations.

Many stakeholders are to benefit from a more organic and holistic perspective on organizations. We reach out to companies, experts, employees and the public at large; we initiate dialogues and partnerships; we communicate and build awareness; we share knowledge and resources with experts and non-experts.
CeOH is in the process of setting up a network to connect interested parties through (non-exhaustive list) publications, workshops, conferences, blogs, podcasts, roundtables, and experts.
Academic and non-academic research
An emerging field, Organizational Health has not yet been the subject of intense and continuous academic research. One of our goals is to enrich and complement existing considerations with scientific and empirical evidence. The outcomes are to be used as, or transformed into, diagnostic tools and should give rise to pragmatic, implementable and viable interventions for healthy organizational practices.
To achieve this, partnerships, research publications, and projects are planned with academic institutions.

These resources are then made available to the community for educational programs in (human-) organizational management and leadership. They will serve for awareness seminars. CeOH plans an educational program to certify Organizational Health practitioners.
Your organization might benefit from a new vantage point? Interested but unsure about how your teams and organizational systems are scoring? Looking for a solution to a particular issue? Or wanting to strengthen your organization, or team, for tomorrow’s challenges? We work with business leaders and organizations and make Organizational Health a reality.
We collaborate with practitioners who share our philosophy and methodology in order to offer diagnoses, surveys and consulting in Organizational Health. CeOH aims to develop a holistic diagnostic and interventional framework for business leaders, individuals and stakeholders.

Want to get involved?
Are you interested in feeding the conversation around Organizational Health with your input and perspective? We’d love to hear from you.
Want to get involved?
Are you interested in feeding the conversation around Organizational Health with your input and perspective? We’d love to hear from you.