CeOH is a not-for-profit platform whose mission is to contribute to a better understanding and management of the complexity of human organizations. To this end, CeOH aims to bring together researchers, professionals, and practitioners in the emerging field of Organizational Health. Together, we will nurture and develop the field, and disseminate knowledge so that organizations, their staff, and society at large may mutually benefit.
what guides us
An organization is made of people and resources. Organizations are thus complex living systems in their own right. They have a vulnerable health that is dependent on safe, sound and sustainable practices, akin to that of their constitutive parts. Their health must be monitored and nurtured carefully and methodically.
Adopting an organizational health perspective brings a number of unique advantages:
An invitation to connect organizations with their human nature, thereby creating a bridge between organizational management and life sciences.
A road to apply knowledge, science and concepts of human health to organizational management.
A foundation for the creation of a holistic diagnostic and interventional framework for business leaders, individuals and stakeholders.
"Once organizational health is properly understood and placed into the right context, it will surpass all other disciplines in business as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage"
Lencioni in "The Advantage"
My short story and how it led to CeOH

I entered the world of working with a lot of good will and a great desire to create. Early on, I was surprised by the limits of the organizational systems in which I evolved. They had a hard time aligning themselves during creative processes, and because of that generated blockages and frustrations on all levels.
I was the passive witness of a waste of human potential, a human waste.
Despite my diplomas, I had to admit that I had not really learned how to manage a human organization. So I searched, studied, tried. Failed and fell too. Then I stood up and tried again, and made it into my profession.
Twenty years on, the little flame inside that drives me to answer the question still burns: How to manage a human organization? How to improve its health? How to kindle a virtuous circle of collective performance?
These are the questions that CeOH asks and to which we are invited to answer, together.
Join us ?
Gabrielle Ortais, founder
Want to get involved?
Are you interested in feeding the conversation around Organizational Health with your input and perspective? We’d love to hear from you.
Want to get involved?
Are you interested in feeding the conversation around Organizational Health with your input and perspective? We’d love to hear from you.